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Poland TRC Process:

To obtain a Temporary Residence Card (TRC) in Poland as a foreigner who came to the country for work, here are the general steps involved in the process:

Are you eligible?

Our staff will ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for obtaining a TRC based on your purpose of stay, employment status, and other relevant factors. Work-related TRCs are typically granted to individuals who have a job offer or are already employed in Poland.

Required documents.

We will help you gather the necessary documents for your TRC application. These typically include:


  • Valid passport or travel document

  • Completed application form

  • Work contract or employment agreement

  • Proof of legal entry into Poland (e.g., entry stamp or visa)

  • Proof of accommodation in Poland

  • Health insurance coverage

  • Proof of sufficient financial means to support yourself during your stay


Additional documents may be required depending on your specific situation, so it's advisable to consult with an immigration lawyer or the relevant authorities for a comprehensive list.

Submitting your application.

Our office will submit your TRC application to the appropriate office, typically the local Government Voivodship Office (UrzÄ…d Wojewódzki) in the appropriate city. We will make sure to Include all the required documents and inform you to pay the applicable government fee (450 PLN).

Fingerprints and interview.

Once your application is received and submitted to the specific government inspector, you will be required to provide your fingerprints at the immigration office. Additionally, an interview will be conducted to assess the legitimacy of your application and to verify the provided information. We will assist you with that as well.


Fingerprints appointment nad interview typically takes place after 1-3 month after submitting your application.

Processing . . .

The government will review your application, documents, and any additional information provided. The processing time can vary, but it typically takes 1 month to even 6 months. On average, our clients receive their TRC in 4 month to 8 months from submitting the application (including the time they wait for the fingerprints appointment). It's important to note that the immigration process and specific requirements may change over time. It is our job to be your source for the most up-to-date information and guidance tailored to your situation.

Your card is ready!

Once your TRC application is approved, you will receive a notification instructing you to collect your TRC card. This notification will specify the location and timeframe for collection. The government will collect an additional 50 PLN fee for the plastic card.

Ready to begin?

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